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Publicaciones de Argentinos en 2005

Abascal S.A.; D.E. Buschiazzo. 2005. Competition between wheat and weeds in two tillage and fertilization systems in a semiarid environment. Agrochimica XVLVIII, N°5-6: 1-9.

Alvarez, R. 2005. Carbon stocks in pampean soils: a simple regression model for estimation of carbon storage under non degraded scenarios. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36: 1583-1589.

Alvarez, R. 2005. A review of nitrogen fertilization and conservation tillage effects on soil carbon storage. Soil Use and Manag., 21: 38-52.

Alvarez, R., S. Grigera. 2005. Analysis of soil fertility and fertilizer effects on wheat and corn yield in the Rolling Pampa of Argentina. J. Agron. Crop. Sci., 191 : 321-329

Andrade, M.L., Reyzábal, M.L., Covelo, E.F., Vega, F.A. 2005. Organochlorine pesticides in soils of the horticultural belt of Bahía Blanca (Argentina). Canadian Journal of Soil Science 85: 273-282.

Becerra, A., L. Beenken, K. Pritsch, G. Daniele, M. Schloter & R. Agerer. 2005. Anatomical and molecular characterization ofLactarius aff. omphaliformis, Russula alnijorullensis and Cortinarius tucumanensis ectomycorrhizae on Alnus acuminata. Mycologia 97: 1047-1057.

Becerra, A., E. Nouhra, G. Daniele, L. Domínguez & D. McKay. 2005. Ectomycorrhizas of Cortinarius helodes and Gyrodon monticola with Alnus acuminata from Argentina. Mycorrhiza 15:7-15.

Becerra, A., K. Pritsch, N. Arrigo, M. Palma & N. Bartoloni. 2005. Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Alnus acuminata Kunth in northwestern Argentina in relation to season and soil parameters. Annals of Forest Science 62: 325-332.

Becerra, A., M. R. Zak, T. Horton & J. Micolini. 2005. Ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Alnus acuminatafrom Calilegua National Park (Argentina). Mycorrhiza 15: 525-531.

Benito, M., Masaguer, A., Moliner, A., Arrigo, N., Palma, R.M., Effron, D. 2005. Evaluation of maturity and stability of pruning waste compost and their effect on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soil. Soil Science 170: 360-370.

Broquen P., Candan F., Falbo G., Girardin J., Pellegrini V. 2005. Impacto del Pinus ponderosa Dougl. sobre la acidificación del suelo en la transición bosque – estepa SO Neuquén, Argentina. Bosque 26 (3): 63-74.

Broquen P., Lobartini C., Candan F., Falbo G. 2005. Allophane, aluminum, and organic matter accumulation across a bioclimatic sequence of volcanic soils of Argentina. Geoderma169 (3-4): 167-177.

Carrera, A.L.; Vargas, D.N.; Campanella, M.V.; Bertiller, M.B.; Sain, C.L. and M.J. Mazzarino. 2005. Soil N in relation to quality and decomposability of plant litter in the Patagonian Monte, Argentina. Plant Ecology 181:139-151.

De La Horra, A.M., Defrieri, R., Jiménez, M.P., Palma, R.M. 2005. Evolution of alkaline phosphatase and protease activities, total organic carbon and CO2 evolved during composting. Agrochimica 49: 22-28.

De Siervi M, Iorio AF de, Chagas CI. 2005. Heavy metals in sediments and runoff waters in soils of the Matanza river basin (Argentina). Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36:2303-2314.

Díaz-Zorita, MC., J.H. Grove, E. Perfect. 2005. Soil fragment size distribution and compactive effort effects on maize root seedling elongation in most soil. Crop Sci. 45:1417-1426.

Durman S., A. Menendez, A. Godeas. 2005. Variation in oxalic acid production and mycelial compatibility within field populations of the soilborne pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Soil Biol. Biochem 12: 2180-2184.

Escudero V.G., Mendoza, R.E. 2005. Seasonal variation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in temperate grasslands along a wide hydrologic gradient. Mycorrhiza. 15: 291-299

Fabrizi K.P., F.O. García, J.L. Costa y L.I. Picone. 2005. Soil water dynamics physical properties and corn and wheat responses to minimum and no-tillage systems in the southern Pampas of Argentina. Soil & Tillage Research 81: 57-69

Guevara, J.C., Estevez, O.R., Stasi, C.R., Le Houérou, H.N. 2005. The role of weeping lovegrass, Eragrostis curvula, in the rehabilitation of deteriorated arid and semiarid rangelands in Argentina. Arid Land Research and Management 19: 125-146.

Hang, S. E. Barriuso, and S. Houot. 2005. Atrazine behaviour in the
different pedological horizons of two Argentinean non-till soils profiles. Weed Research, 45:130-139.

Kitzberger, T.; Raffaele, E.; Heinemann, K. and M.J. Mazzarino. 2005. Effects of fire severity in a north Patagonian subalpine forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:5-12.

Lavado, R.S., M. B. Rodríguez and M. A. Taboada. 2005. Treatment with biosolids affects soil availability and plant uptake of potentially toxic elements. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 109: 360-364

Lima, H., Da Silva, A.P., Imhoff, S. 2005. Alternative method for volumetric core removal in hardsetting soils. Scientia Agricola. 62: 493-497.

Mendoza,R., Escudero,V.,García, I. 2005. Plant growth, nutrient acquisition and mycorrhizal colonization of a waterlogging tolerant legume (Lotus glaber Mill.) in a saline-sodic soil. Plant and Soil. 275: 305-315, 2005.

Novas M. V., D. Cabral, A. Godeas. 2005. Interaction between Mycophyllas and Mycorrhizas in Bromus setifolius from Patagonia, Argentina. Symbiosis 42: 23-30.

Novas M, S. Fracchia, A. Menendez, A. Godeas. 2005. Glomus patagonicus a new arbuscular fungus from Argentina. Nova Hedwigia 80:533-540.

Peinemann, N., Guggenberger, G., Zech, W. 2005. Soil organic matter and its lignin component in surface horizons of salt-affected soils of the Argentinian Pampa. Catena 60: 113-128.

Pilatti M.A., Marano, R.P  y Orellana, J.A de 2005. Riego suplementario con aguas bicarbonatadas sódicas en Molisoles de Santa Fe. Sodificación y alcalinización. Agrochimica 48 (5-6), 233 a 248.

Scervino J. M., M. A. Ponce, R. Erra-Bassels, J. A. Ocampo, A. Godeas. 2005. Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of tomato by Gigaspora and Glomus species in presence of roots flavonoids. Jour Plant Physiol. 162: 625-633.

Scervino J. M., M. A. Ponce, R. Erra-Bassels , J. A. Ocampo, A, Godeas. 2005. Presymbiotic development of Gigaspora and Glomus genera in presence of flavonoids. Mycological Research. 109:789-794.

Tognetti, C.; Laos, F.; Mazzarino, M.J. and M.T. Hernández. 2005. Composting vs. vermicomposting: a comparison of end product quality. Compost Science and Utilization 13: 6-13.

Torres, P.A., Abril, A.B., Bucher, E.H. 2005. Microbial succession in litter decomposition in the semi-arid Chaco woodland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 49-54.

Viglizzo, E., Pordomingo A., Buschiazzo D.E., Castro M. 2005. A methodological approach to assess cross-scale relations and interactions in agricultural ecosystems of Argentina. Ecosystems 8: 546-558.

Zabaloy, M. C., Gómez, M.A. 2005. Diversity of rhizobia isolated from an agricultural soil in Argentina based on carbon utilization and effects of herbicides on growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42: 83-88.

Zubillaga M. M., S. Urricariet. 2005. Assessment of nitrogen status in wheat using aerial photography. Communic. in Soil Sci. and Plant Analysis 36:1787-1798.

Zubillaga, MS, H Rimski-Korsakov, G Travería and RS Lavado. 2005. Ammonia volatilization from different organic amendments during storage and after land application. Agrochimica. 49 (5-6) 169-174.